Format: MP4
Duration: 47 Minutes
Size: 560 Mb
Resolution: 1280×720
We are getting into the tail end of the Summer Vengeance Tournament and the action is heating up. The rankings are getting closer and closer which means the competition gets steep. Cheyenne and Izamar are ranked closely. Izamar is the reigning welter weight champion. Cheyenne had a heated battle for the lightweight title which she narrowly lost to Syd Blakovich.
This is *the most exciting SV match up this season. Back and forth actions, crazy sitting monkey flips, reversals and brutal fingering. In the beginning it looks like Izamar has no answer for Cheyenne’s side control but Izamar adapts her skills accordingly and puts Cheyenne in trouble again and again. Today’s winner could very well move on to be the over all champion of this competition!
Awesome bdsm video
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