In the final installment of Kate Kenzi’s Live show Kate is dangling from a pipe rig. Her hair is attached to her feet pulling her face back and her feet out. Most of her body is exposed for a harsh whipping. With each stroke Kate’s screams turn to moans and back to screams again. The members give her assignment. She must recite something in Latin while being whipped. Kate claims to be a serious player and she’s no joke. OT plays the "Cane me somewhere else" game. Kate has to beg to be caned somewhere else, but she’s in too much discomfort and she can’t think of where else she wants to be caned.
Next she’s put tits first on the spike board. All of her weight is pressing down straight onto her tits. The whip comes out again and this time OT hits her even harder. Kate seems to barely register the strokes until OT hits her feet.
Awesome bdsm video
Format: MP4
Duration: 47:38 Min
Size: 2624 Mb
Resolution: 1280×720