You have come to visit me for my theraputic skills. I am known to help people with their kinky sexual desires… but not in the way you would think . You have come to me because you are ashamed and embarassed by your foot fetish. You feel like less of a man for adoring women’s feet. You can’t keep a normal relationship and you say you can’t be “pulled into this lifestyle” well … you have offended me! I love foot fetishists and I love feet and your self hate has made me very upset… You don’t deserve the feel offered to you, and you certianly don’t deserve mine …. only foot lovers proud of their lust for feet are worthy of my perfect pieds. You on the other hand are low, lower than low …fucking dirt to me! You better learn to love feet like a man or you will be left behind …alone forever … a true LOSER
Awesome bdsm video
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