It’s just the way of things, where there is always a master and a slave. In this household the master is very clearly Marie with her enjoying the comfort of a lush master bed while her slave waits patiently to be of service nearby. Upon waking up though Marie loves …
My Feet Slave
For some people coming home means kicking back on the couch while watching TV. For Marie the first thing she wants is her feet to be massaged. The arches, the heel, all of her feet must be worshipped by her pathetic slave while she watches TV. If not then a …
Magmafilm: Dark Dreams – More Dirty Fantasies
„FANCY A GAME“ Carola kommt aus der norddeutschen Provinz und ist Modedesignerin. Und Paris ist immer noch die Hauptstadt der Mode. Kaum hat sie sich in der franzoesischen Metropole eingelebt und einen Job gefunden, da entdeckt sie etwas ganz Neues fuer sich. Sie entwirft nun nicht nur hochwertige erotische Kleidung …
Her Bowl Of Milk
Kendra sure is tall and lean, and that leash looks so nice on her that Marie can’t help but grope her kitty for a bit when she appears. But now kitty need to lap up her bowl of milk, meaning she needs to get busy licking Marie’s pussy and put …
The Woman Of The House
Marie’s man has to go to work. But before he does he needs to service her, the woman of the house. Once Marie’s oral needs are met then he can get up, straighten his tie, and head out to earn her some money. For now though he needs to focus …