Your expenditure needs to be reigned in. You are not a normal man and should not live a normal life. You do not work 9-5 at that dull job for any other reason than to give to me. So it’s about time you take the next step and truly feel …
British Bratz: Wank Your Cash Away
As a loser you know the only way to orgasm is via your wallet. You pay for the privilege of cumming, I mean that is humiliation all in itself. To stroke yourself into a horny frenzy is only going to drain your account in an instant. You aren’t entitled to …
Britishbratz: Devoted and Owned HD
It’s not often that I open an opportunity to join my stye of piglets. To be unconditionally owned and disciplined by such beauty has been a life long ambition for you.Family life and vanilla living is a huge struggle to upkeep when all your energy is focused on serving me …