World BDSM

Goddess Alexandra Snow – Fractionation Trials

As many of you know, I’ve studied various types of Hy*pn*osis for some time and I’m always looking for new methods and tools to use to get a better, deeper trance. One of the tools I haven’t tried yet in video is fractionation. This is a tool that brings the subject up and down, in and out of trance, allowing the subject to go deeper each time. It’s a technique that is made popular in erotic seduction because it can be covertly used to put the suject into trance without them really knowing it. I’m eager to try this method and so will conduct two seperate trials with you as my guinea pig. I utilize sounds and hand signals for optimal effect, along with the normal visual effects that have proven themselves so useful. Will you be able to tell when you’re under and when you’re not?

Categories: Mesmerize
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