You will be judged for your sins, your most frequent one will be your punishment in this series. Pride, you’ve been controlled by your pride, emberassed, lived in shame, been ridiculed by your own self for it, overcompensating for everything because of it. Such a small pathetic cock, small tiny and with it your punishment is to shrink it in a cage more, more and more. Exchanging to a smaller size over time, keep it locked for me, the only way I’d ever want a cock as pathetic as that is by keeping a key of it, closest you would ever feel intimacy between my tits, place between my soft perfect tits. Kept safe, locked up and teased endlessly, unable to unlock and use it with comfort and easy. Completely reject your own cock, reject it and give it to me, to shrink, to make it dissappear. No other options of real sex, no other ways to jek off but all cramped up in that little cage, leaking for me, getting denied for the rest of your life. Oh yes, you’ll be so fucked, accounted for, caged up for me. No more pride at all, just eternal gratitude and servitude, mindless horniness in a blissful denial.
Format: mp4
Duration: 00:09:51
Size: 727.15MB
Resolution: 1920×1080
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